Street Stories

Weblog of Seattle minister to the homeless Rick Reynolds, Operation Nightwatch

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Location: Seattle, Washington, United States

Caring for human beings seems like the best use of my time, homeless or not.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Father Kim and his foreign language

Father Kim has been going on the street several times a month for the past 12 years.

Like many ministers, he is bilingual. He speaks Montanan English, and is also fluent in Episcopalian. This is very handy for me, because Free Methodists are poorly schooled in Anglican idioms.
Without Father Kim, I might never have known that a burse sits on top of the chalice, paten and veil, serves to hold a corporal and often hides an extra purificator.

I recently asked Father Kim about the letters "O.P." after a ministers name. He told me he'd check with with his "resident oblate."


Perhaps every family should have an oblate. I'm pretty sure I don't have an oblate at my house, unless someone's not telling me something, which is possible.

His oblate emailed. Apparently, O.P. is Latin for Ordo Praedicatorum. I figured it out. Can you?

Thank you, Father Kim. We have a lot of stories, you and I.


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