Street Stories

Weblog of Seattle minister to the homeless Rick Reynolds, Operation Nightwatch

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Location: Seattle, Washington, United States

Caring for human beings seems like the best use of my time, homeless or not.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

20 men. Who cares?

Tonight we told 20 guys that there's no shelter in the entire city of Seattle. "Here's your blanket, good luck, God bless."

If you've never done that, it is a sickening feeling.

Next week 50 more homeless guys will be turned out of the King County Administration building shelter. Forty women will be pushed out from Angeline's women's shelter. It's horrible.
Many of my friends would say, "The City of Seattle should do something." I say, forget the City of Seattle. YOU should do something.
If your congregation isn't providing space and volunteers for homeless people, SHAME on YOU. If you have resources; time, space, willingness, let's talk.
I would invite the policy makers who decided April was an acceptable month for shelter closures to spend a few nights sleeping in their back yard with a blanket.

Why are we heating city hall when our citizens are sleeping outside?


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