Street Stories

Weblog of Seattle minister to the homeless Rick Reynolds, Operation Nightwatch

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Location: Seattle, Washington, United States

Caring for human beings seems like the best use of my time, homeless or not.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Families in crisis

 Tim Harris, Real Change Editor: "For every Seattle household that entered a domestic violence shelter, another 19 were turned away."

Madrona Grace Presbyterian Church has been making their building available to house homeless families. They've been working with Mary's Place shelter to coordinate services and volunteers. The shelter relies on volunteers to make a dinner and to stay overnight at the church.  Three weeks in, and a mad scramble has started. There aren't enough volunteers willing to stay overnight.

Now, it's a little whacked to open without having everything in place. But it's also hard to get a commitment from people in advance of actually opening.

Can you do something about it?  Email

Thank you.


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