Snow. Homeless. Seattle.
I've talked to three reporters today. How does the snow affect homeless people? What should homless people do to get shelter. Blah, Blah, Blah.
Look, there's not enough shelter in Seattle. But when it is this cold (wind chill today of 9 degrees F.) even the hardiest campers are driven inside. Who wants to sleep in the back of a pickup truck with a dog when it's 9 degrees?
So, city officials kick into high gear -- police are picking people up and getting them into the Rainier Room at the Seattle Center where ironically we had our fundraiser a week ago. We get an extra 25 - 30 guys into a temporary shelter at the Compass Center. Plus, every shelter in town will be full to the gills, people sitting up in chairs trying to sleep.
What will happen when everything melts? You guessed it. They give all those hangers on the boot. Good luck everyone.